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Direct admission in GOURI DEVI INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES AND HOSPITAL  through Management Quota,  Nri Quota ,Course Fee, Contact Details, Admission Criteria etc. Call - 9831334656 or whatsapp link

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About college

The Rahul Foundation, prime movers of Durgapur Institute of Advanced Technology and Management (DIATM) society came into existence with a philanthropic view in mind to impart quality but affordable teaching and training avenue to the masses. The foundation started in a humble way but by foresight it progressed in leaps and bounds to achieve today’s position.Our newest feather among many successful academic ventures is Gouri Devi Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital (GIMSH) under the guidance and farsighted vision of Mr. R N Majumder, supported by a dedicated and diligent team working relentlessly towards its success.

MBBS Course & Eligibility

The institution offers courses in medical specialties at the undergraduate level. The course is recognised by the Medical Council of India and affiliated to the West Bengal University of Health & Science. It admits 150 students for the MBBS.

The candidates must have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination from a recognized Board, Council or University and must have obtai- ned at least 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology taken together and must have passed in English. The candidate must attain the minimum age of 17 yrs on or before 31st December, conductive year.

Curriculum for MBBS

First MBBSAnatomy,Physiology & Biochemistry2 (two) Semesters

Second MBBSPharmacology, Pathology,Microbiology & Forensic Medicine3 (three) Semesters

Final MBBS(Part-I)Ophthalmology,ENT & Community Medicine2 (two) Semesters

Final MBBS(Part-II)General Medicine,Surgery,Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Paediatrics2 (two) Semesters

MBBS Admission Procedure

Any NEET qualified student who wants to seek admission in our college should apply and register with WBMCC as soon as the registration process starts.

For this, please keep looking up regularly at the WBMCC website ( and this website as well.

Please note that only those students who are NEET qualified and are domicile of West Bengal are eligible for State Govt. seats while NEET qualified students from all over India who are registered with WBMCC are eligible for Management quota seats.

About Post Graduation Courses

Postgraduate Medical Education in broad specialities shall be of three years duration in the case of degree course and two years in the case of Diploma course after MBBS and in the case of super specialities the duration shall be of three years after MD/MS with the exceptions wherever indicated.

Admission Procedure Post Graduate (MD/MS)

MBBS Aspirants looking for admission to MD MS Admission in Gouri Devi Medical college & Hospital, must apply for National Entrance Postgraduate Medical [NEET- PG] entrance exams. Those doctors are looking to pursue PG Medical Admission in Gouri Devi Medical college & Hospital, after MBBS to become a specialist in the field of medicine and surgery has to pass the minimum eligibility score to get admission in MD MS degree and diploma courses.

Post Graduation Courses Eligibility

Pass in MBBS degree recognized by Medical Council of India Candidates. He/She should completing their compulsory rotating internship on or before 31.03.20__ are eligible.Candidates should have obtained permanent registration with Medical Council of India/State Medical Councils should submit the same on or before the commencement of classes.

Internships & Placement

After 4.5 years of medical school to earn their MBBS degree, every doctor in India must complete a one-year Compulsory Rotating Medical Internship in various specialties to achieve permanent registration from the National Medical Commission (NMC) as a physician licensed to practice as a primary care doctor throughout India.

Fees Structure

MBBS Fees Structure 2022 23 Click Here


PG Fees Structure 2022 23 Click Here

Contact Details

Gouri Devi Institute of Medical Sciences & Hospital

G.T. Road, Rajbandh, Durgapur, WB, 713212
P: (0343) 2520-712 / 713


Schedule a Session

EC 2, Satlake , Sec-1, Kolkata, West Bengal, India



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